I hate stale bot
  • Last updated on 4th Oct 2024

Disclaimer: This post is actually just rage rambling and contains nothing of import really. Soz ¯\(ツ)

You know what really grinds my gears?

Have you ever searched up information on an issue you're having with a piece of software, where you stumble across an old and closed GitHub issue and all of a sudden ( after a while of searching around already ), you just discover an easy solution that's dead-simple and you just need to copy like five lines of configuration? No? Just me? Whatever, the point still stands!

Fucking "stale bots" are the most useless invention that actively prevent issues from being fixed. It especially pisses me off when there is a dead-easy solution in the fucking comments already and no one could be arsed to actually make the changes neccessary and merge them into the actual repository.

To go back to the example given previously, the issue I was looking for, was LSP configurations not being used properly by the language server that was managed by LunarVim. The solution was a dead-easy 5 lines that needed to go in the lvim config. God bless that poor sod who actually dug around LunarVim's repository to figure out how to fix it, cause that rando saved me a fair few nerves today. It just pisses me off so immensely that issues are treated like an ephemeral thing that just become irrelevant over time. NO THE FUCK THEY ARE NOT. Issues don't just randomly disappear cause you forgot about them! Not just that, but it also makes it shittier to search for them! On GitHub, looking at the issues page defaults to only showing you issues that are currently open. Of course you could click on "Closed" to show them as well, but for god's sake, an issue should only be closed if it is actually unfixable / out-of-scope / spam or if the problem has actually been solved / the feature implemented.

Closing issues just because they are old is helping no-one. I'm pretty sure that I can't be the only one who thinks this, but today really just ticked me off, cause I looked on the GitHub issues page ( not thinking that this repository has a stale bot ), couldn't find anything and then proceeded to use a normal search engine, where I found the old issue on page 6.

Fucking stale bot man. I fucking hate that shit.

Anyways, rant over.